Episode · podcast

EP002: Charts, Maps and Kill Lists

The second installment of Ghadar Now! is here hosted by our new, good-looking, Republican host Piyush Jindal! And this time we give you an extra fifteen minutes … for free! Featuring an interview with a British despot, a report on cutting edge science, a story of global proportions, and a dead woman’s will, your best… Continue reading EP002: Charts, Maps and Kill Lists

Excerpts · podcast

An Independent Cyberspace

John Perry Barlow invoked the forefathers of the United States of Slavery to turn the tables on the US Government and other colonial institutions in this Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace. Get your headphones, your rebellious mind and hang tight. [Download Link] Transcript: Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel,… Continue reading An Independent Cyberspace